Violette Mottet Back
- Acting age
- Year of birth
- 1995 (29 years)
- Height (cm)
- Weight (in kg)
- Eye color
- Hair color
- Hair length
- Place of residence
- Housing options
- Nationality
- Languages
- EnglishFrenchSpanishRussian
- Dialects
- American-StandardAustralian(native dialect)English-Standard
- Accents
- Sport
- Dance
- Main profession
- Special skills
Professional background
Cursus de deux ans à La Fabrique de l’acteur (acting studio + method meisner) Oberkampf Paris 11
Cursus de théâtre au Studio Theatre Alain Debock Nation Paris 12
Workshops at the Acting Gymnasium London
Acting classes with Gavin McAlinden London
Workshops with Uppili Ragavachari London