Romane Noulé

Romane Noulé


Height (cm)
Weight (in kg)
Eye color
Hair color
Hair length
Place of residence
Paris (FR), Lille (FR)
Housing options
Arras (FR), Bordeaux (FR)
Stage combatBoxingIce skatingRoller skatingShooting (handgun)
Contemporary dance
Main profession
A cappellaOpera singingSong
Special skills
Driver's licenses
B - Car


Professional background

GFCA PARIS 2016-2017 EICAR 2013-2015

Other professional training

Giles Forman Center for Acting Paris


L'instant opportun (Short film)
Victoria (MR) M. Goujon, H. Benhamou, A. Chaaraoui, I. Boudjellal
Ma Sœur (Short film)
Alice (MR) Marie Lacombe Producer: Marie Lacombe Written by: Marie Lacombe
L’Ainée (Short film)
Adèle (MR) Melchior Roland-Gosselin Producer: ESRA
Les Visions d’Andréa | (Short film)
Lisa (SR) Juliette Msellati Producer: Juliette Msellati Written by: Juliette Msellati
Je suis ton souffle (Short film)
Isis (MR) Romane Noulé Producer: Romane Noulé Written by: Romane Noulé
L’HALLALI (Short film)
Femme internée (SR) Mathilde Vasseaux et Loïs Blondeau Producer: SUP DE COM, Mathilde Vasseaux et Loïs Blondeau Written by: Mathilde Vasseaux et Loïs Blondeau
L’Histoire d’une caresse (Short film)
Lilou (SR) Juliette Ragot Producer: Juliette Ragot Written by: Juliette Ragot
Ma Princesse (Short film)
Main role Corentin Burguiere
The Final Adventure (Short film)
La Walkyrie (GR) Benjamin Deneufeglise Producer: PopCorn Reborn, Atrebatia Written by: Guillaume Meral et Benjamin Deneufeglise
Révolte (Short film)
Main role Quentin Batailler Producer: CLCF
Le Sabre de la Vengeance (Short film)
Main role Benjamin Deneufeglise Producer: PopCorn Reborn Written by: Guillaume Meral et Benjamin Deneufeglise
MAYA (Short film)
Maya (MR) Athena Griegenbauer Producer: CLCF


Le Refuge (Drama)
Main role Alice Lemy Producer: Compagnie Artisanale Written by: Alice Lemy
Tout ce que peut l'amour (Drama)
Chloé (MR) Cécile Parichet Producer: Les Wonderbiches Written by: Cécile Parichet d'après le témoignage de Chloë Duperrin
Contes en Souplesse
Main role Cécile Parichet et Romane Noulé Producer: Les Wonderbiches Written by: Cécile Parichet et Romane Noulé
L'Oubliée du cimetière de Greenwood (Drama)
Moon et Mary-Elise Cécile Parichet Producer: Les Wonderbiches Written by: Renaud Besse-Bourdier
La Nuit de Valognes (Drama)
Sœur Bertille des Oiseaux et La Petite Angélique Aurélie Alexis Producer: Cie Les Comédiens du Tréteau Written by: Eric E. Schmitt
La Trilogie de Belgrade (Drama)
Sanja Mélody Maloux Producer: GFCA Paris Written by: Biljana Srbljanovic
Antigone (Drama)
Antigone (MR) Lysandre Mbappe Producer: GFCA Paris Written by: Sophocle
Will you remember ? (Drama)
Elsa Marion Ferrand Producer: GFCA Paris Written by: Marion Ferrand
La réunification des deux Corée (Drama)
Cécile Dimitri Rataud Producer: GFCA Paris Written by: Joël Pommerat
Kids (Drama)
Admira (MR) Julie Zeno Producer: GFCA Paris Written by: Fabrice Melquiot
La Furie des Nantis (Drama)
4è Femme Bastien Ughetto Producer: EICAR Written by: Edward Bond
L’Opéra de Quat’sous (Drama)
Jacob et Prostituée Mickaël Pernet Producer: EICAR Written by: Brecht
Hamlet (Drama)
Hamlet, Ophélie et Polonius Pierre Clarard Producer: Conservatoire d'Art Dramatique d'Arras Written by: Shakespeare
La Jalousie du Barbouillé (Drama)
Valère Pierre Clarard Producer: Conservatoire d'Art Dramatique d'Arras Written by: Molière


Ultimates (Series)
Maud Bob Fokoua Producer: Bob Fokoua
40 Elephants Gang (Event recording)
Alice Diamond (MR) Maxine Colard Producer: Escape Gang


McDonald’s STORIES (Commercial)
Episode leader Anthony MARCIANO