Cécile Pallas
Agence Artistique Denis Planat (Main agency)
- Place of birth
- Height (cm)
- Weight (in kg)
- Eye color
- Hair color
- Hair length
- Stature
- Place of residence
- Housing options
- Nationality
- Languages
- FrenchEnglish
- Main profession
- Driver's licenses
Primary professional training
- 1991 – 1992
- Atelier Blanche Salant & Paul Weaver
Other professional training
Stage Acting in English Andreï Zulawski- Denys Berry
- 1992
Stage Tchekov Racine - Christian Benedetti
- 2001
HierSupporting role Sylvio Soldini
- 1998
All for loveSupporting role Harry Hook
- 1997
RewindSupporting role Sergio Gobbi
- 1996
L'effet papillonSupporting role
- 1996
Tenue correcte exigéeGuest role
- 1993
Sauve toiSupporting role Jean-Marc Fabre
- 1993
Pas d'amour sans amourEvelyne Dress
- 1993
Die wildnisMain role
- 1992
Le voleur d'enafntSupporting role Christain de Chalonge
- 1992
Le tableau d'honneurMain role Charles Némès
- 1991
TriplexMain role Geoges Lautner
- 2018
Le prix de la véritéMain role Emmanuel Rigaut
- 2016
Camping paradisEpisode leader Marwen Abdallah
- 2015
Commissaire MagellanEpisode leader François Guerin
- 2014
CaïnGuest role Bertrand Arthuys
- 2012
Commissaire MagellanEpisode leader Etienne Daene
- 2011
Julie LescautEpisode leader Alain Choquard
- 2011
Le jour où tout a basculéEpisode leader Luc Chalifour
- 2007
MystèreSupporting role Didier Albert
- 2006
Les jumeauxSupporting role Olivier Guignard
- 2005
Une femme d'honneurEpisode leader Michel Perrota
- 2004
Commissaire MoulinEpisode leader Eric Summer
- 2004
Le grand patronEpisode leader Dominique Ladoge
- 1999
Le bahutMain role Michaela Watteaux - Arnaud Sélignac
- 1999
Justice 2Main role Gérard Marx
- 1998
Frères et flicsSupporting role Bruno Gantillon
- 1998
L'imposteurMain role Williams Crépin
- 1997
Le serre aux truffesMain role Pierre Sogno - Jacques Audoir
- 1996
Arthur et ThéaMain role Eric le Hung
- 1996
Highlander IVEpisode leader Denys Berry
- 1995
Cordier juge et flicEpisode leader Yves Amoureux
- 1995
Les chercheurs d'orMain role Marc Simenon
- 1995
Silent witnessMain role Noella Smith
- 1995
StrangersEpisode leader Damian Harris
- 1994
L'héritière de charmeMain role Patrice Ambard
- 1993
NavarroEpisode leader Patrick Jamain
- 1993
Nestor BurmaEpisode leader Maurice Frydland
- 1993
Beau rivageMain role Serge Korber
- 1993
Une qui prometMain role Marianne Lamour
- 1992
Jour de colèreMain role David Delrieux
- 2013
La véritable histoire de Maria CallasJackie Kennedy (SR) Raymond Acquaviva Theater: Théatre déjazet
- 1993
Le diner de consSupporting role Pierre Mondy Theater: Variétés
- 1990
L'échelleMain role Paola Lanzi Theater: Théatre de l'oeuvre
- 2005
Empaillé (Short film)Main role Laure Plaindoux
- 1993
Bloody mary (Short film)Main role Guy Mazarguil
- 1994